Saturday, June 12, 2010

No pride- just love

It's been on my heart since I started this blog to make sure I convey to all my readers that I do not post pictures to brag or to be prideful about the deals I get. I only post the pictures and deals because I want to show you all just how far coupons can go for you. I am not trying to brag about the things I am donating to the mission.

I know I am, by no means, and experienced couponer.

There are many many couponers out there who have FANTASTIC blogs containing everything you would ever need to know about saving money.

My favorites are: Hip2Save, The Krazy Coupon Lady, The Frugal Find, and Totally Target

I'm just doing my thing, and hoping to inspire and motivate others to start couponing. I've spent a long time feeling as though I have not been able to do anything substantial for others, but couponing has given me my own little niche- I want to offer this encouragement to anyone who feels there's nothing you can do. There is; there always is.

Generate kindness <3

Thursday, June 10, 2010

End Caps are a gal's best friend :)

This past Tuesday, I was invited to a surprise birthday dinner for my good friend, Missy, at the Olive Garden in Eugene. Since I was driving down that way, I decided to take advantage of the GIANT Target out on West 11th.!

Total Out of Pocket at Target = 30.97

Total Out of Pocket at Rite Aid = $.67

Total Out of Pocket at Walgreens = $3.49

Total for everything in the picture = $35.13

I URGE you to go grab a couple copies of this past Sunday's paper (some stores keep the Sunday one til they sell out) or ask your friends, family, or neighbors for their unused inserts. Even if you can just get ahold of the $2/1 Pampers Wipes, $3/1 John Freida, and the $4/1 Gilette Fusion coupons...totally worth it!

I would also love to give some one-on-one couponing classes this summer, so please contact me at if you are interested.

Stay tuned for pictures of my new 4-inch coupon binder I've been working on the past couple of days!!! I literally blew out my 2-inch :)

<3 Generate kindness

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ask for deals to come, and you shall receive!

Well, it's been quite an exciting week for deals at Walgreens- RR deals left and right! I've finally decided I need to have a few boxes on hand so I don't have bags of stuff taking up my living room. Well, I know I posted a couple of days ago about the Ecotrin aspirin and amazing toothbrush clearance...but here's the reaping of the week. I'm just thanking God because I prayed for dental care stuff...and I got toothbrushes in abundance. I also have enough RRs to buy newspapers and a bunch more of the clearanced toothbrushes on Sunday.

So, this is it...for pennies I got all this stuff! And all the little strips of paper in the left corner are actually coupons for FREE packages of Always pads, which I got for purchasing the Kotex U pads.

I also just realized today that the boxes of Ecotrin have $2/1 60 ct. or higher coupons in them, so I've now got a bunch more coupons if the larger size goes on sale!

The next couple of weeks look slow, but the new P&G insert has an awesome $2/1 Pampers wipes 60 ct. or higher...which basically means very cheap baby wipes. Actually, I can work a deal at Rite Aid to get 30 for mere pennies!!! So if anyone is going to get this insert, and isn't going to personally use the coupon...I would LOVE to have it so I can set up the Mamas at Simonka Place with some wipes.

I'm bummed that I'm out of Shick disposable $2/1 coupons, because I used those to get 12 ct. packages for $.03 overage at Walmart (on sale for only $1.97 each). Pick up my last four of those...I'm out of the $1.50/1 coupons for Sure deodorant which made them free at Rite Aid this week (free at Walgreens a few weeks ago). If only a coupon fairy could bring me a truckload of inserts!!!!

Thank you for reading this, and I hope it inspires you to check out some coupon blogs and start getting in on this stuff! It's truly unbelievable how much stuff I am able to get, and give, for so little. Just a lot of time and love!

Generate kindness <3

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The rewards of treating every coupon as a treasure!

This has been an exciting week of deals- especially at Walgreens. In the clearance aisle, I found a plethora of Colgate toothbrushes marked down to $.50! And I just so happened to have 16 coupons for $.75 off ANY Colgate toothbrush. The cashier adjusted the coupons, and I walked out of there with 16 toothbrushes for free! I know God had his hand in this, because I have been praying for more dental care deals for the mission.

So, the lesson here is that you should never feel crazy for having a ton of the same coupon. How did I get 16 coupons? Well, I bought a few copies of the paper, and then I asked my friends and family for any unused coupons. I haven't elevated to the dumpster-diving level yet...soon...soon.

This week's Walgreens deals also brought another lesson. No coupon is a waste of time to clip. A couple weeks ago, there was a $2/1 coupon for 45 ct. Ecotrin aspirin. I thought to myself "I don't really use aspirin, and I've never heard of this brand...should I even cut this out?"

Well, this week at Walgreens, 45 ct. Ecotrin aspirin was on sale for $2. And even better, Walgreens offered a $2 RR for its purchase! So, I was not only getting free aspirin, but I was being paid $2 for it! I cannot describe the feeling of walking out of a store knowing you are being paid to take an item off the shelf.

Because of this deal, my papa isn't going to have to buy aspirin for another year, AND there will be some men and women at the mission with fewer headaches!

The moral of the story? Don't shrug off a coupon just because you think you won't use it. If you have multiple copies of inserts, just clip a couple and save the uncut inserts just in case you learn of a killer sale like this!

Generate kindness <3